Maine Antler Art

Genuine Maine Made Antler Lighting & Home Accessories
About Artist & Master Maine Guide Toby Montgomery
As a Master Guide, Toby collected a vast number of shed moose and deer antlers in his treks into the wilderness. A friend saw this collection and asked Toby to build him a chandelier and this is how Toby's path was redirected to art. He is able to combine his fascination with antlers with his desire to make something beautiful. At the prodding of family and friends, Toby's started to build chandeliers, sconces, tables and lamps. What has amazed Toby is that word started to spread and the demand for his artwork/home accessories has gained momentum.
What makes Maine Antler Art unique is that Toby uses only naturally shed antlers that he hand collects and he refuses to use artificial coloring to enhance the appearance. Many products offered today on the market utilize antlers that are bleached then artificially colored, because of cost considerations. Toby has refused to do that and the result is an authentic product direct from the Maine Woods!